Up and Personal with MRSA


MRSA can be prevented in the easiest way possible. Its what you parents or elementary teachers taught what was always imporant, WASHING YOUR HANDS! Washing your hands is the biggest way of prevention the spread or outbreak of MRSA because MRSA is naturally contained in your finger nails and noses. Scrub briskly at least for 15 seconds when washing your hands. If you dont have access to soup and water, carry some sanitizer with you. If you do have MRSA, be very clean about it. Keep wounds covered and keep cuts clean until its completely healed. Keep PERSONAL things PERSONAL ! Especially if you have MRSA. Take a shower after all games and practices if you are a atheletic person and like to be involved in alot of activities. Sanitize linens and wash towls and bed linens in wasking machines in the hottest setting and bleach if you can (just make sure your clothes are not in color !) . Basicallly just have poor hyigene and you WONT get MRSA.

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